Paul + Dave

     I am excited to introduce you to Paul and Dave, I had the pleasure of photographing them at the Brookfield Zoo a few weekends ago and have the honor of photographing their wedding this weekend at the Brookfield Zoo.  

     Paul and Dave met while they were both out with friends the night before Thanksgiving in 2000. They started talking early in the night and before they knew it, it was last call.

     During the weekend, we like to shop, play games with friends and family (especially mah jongg) and go up to the place they share with family in Michigan.

     Dave grew up in Elmhurst and went to Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington. Paul grew up in Deerfield and went to Brandeis University in Boston. Dave can easily find his way around the western suburbs but gets lost up north. Paul can find his way easily around the northern suburbs but gets lost out west. That's why they say they are so perfect for each other. And they have a cat named Delilah.


Same-Sex Brookfield Zoo Wedding


The { K Family}